We will be using TT-Miner to solo mine testnet here as it’s able to use the Ravencoin Core wallet as a node without the need for a pool.
- Download and unzip TT-Miner from the bitcointalk thread here
- In the Ravencoin Core wallet, go to Wallet->Options, and click the “Open Configuration File” button to open the raven.conf file. Paste the below info:
Update the following, then restart the wallet:
- miningaddress=your testnet wallet address
- rpcuser/rpcpassword=credentials needed by the miner. Enter a username/password and keep these private
- rpcallowip=IP address the Ravencoin Core wallet is running on. In this example, it is running on the same machine as the miner, so we use (local)
3. Right click->Edit the TT-Miner-Raven.bat file included in the miner download from Step 1. Update the following line:
TT-Miner -coin rvn -luck -log -logpool -P http://rpcuser:rpcpassword@
- rpcuser, rpcpassword, and need to be the same values used in the raven.conf file above in Step 2.
4. Once your wallet is fully synced and running on testnet, run the TT-Miner-Raven.bat file we edited in Step 3. TT-Miner will open, connect to the core wallet, and begin mining.
5. It’s highly suggested to use GPU tuning software like MSI Afterburner to lower the Power Limit of your GPU to ~ 75% for heat reduction. If needed, increase the GPU fan speed.